Saturday, June 8, 2013

Camp was in full swing today as campers and their dads had breakfast in the dining hall before heading down the hill for clinics. The overcast morning acted as a cool backdrop while the guys gave it their all on the various athletic fields.

On the turf football field, several of the WFS football coaches led campers and dads though warm ups, sprints, and stretches before heading into learning about the fundamentals of passing and tackling.

Next door on the lacrosse field, coach Greg Conklin took campers through the process of properly picking up a ground ball and tossing it into the net for a goal. 

Coaches Henry Heil and Chris Holmes were able to give individual instruction to many of the campers at the baseball clinic as they worked on their hitting and pitching technique. 

WFS Varsity Basketball Coach Craig Dawson had campers and their dads split up into groups to perfect their shooting and dribbling skills. 

 At the soccer field, Coach Lynn Mills and current WFS student Jamie Turner took the guys through various drills and games, working on speed and accuracy.

There were a number of impressive swings from young campers on the driving range. Several of the WFS golf coaches, including varsity coach Marc Hogan, were available to answer questions and give individual instruction. 

Tennis Coach Aaron Goodson had campers and their dads working on their balance and coordination during the tennis clinic. 

This year, campers and their dads had the opportunity to take advantage of climbing Woodberry's Alpine tower and canoeing in the Robertson Lake.

Many of the groups chose to take a break from the outdoors to hear from science teachers Jim Reid and Paul Vickers. The guys were able to look at living insects through microscopes and create their own goo. 

Once clinics ended, dads and sons were able to relax and enjoy the day by the pool and at the Fir Tree.

Based on the laughs and conversations I heard throughout the weekend, I'd say that this year's Father-Son Camp was a complete success. We look forward to having you all back next summer! 

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